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How You Can Help Us Fight Back Against Breast Cancer!

There are several things you can do to help us fight breast cancer in Austin in honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Just like millions of others, our hearts and lives have been personally affected by breast cancer.

Someday, we hope to live in a world with a cure for breast cancer so that others don’t have to go through the same pain, struggles and losses we’ve experienced firsthand. We are working hard to get there by fighting breast cancer in Austin and beyond!

Did You Know…

  • After skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in American women.
  • The American Cancer Society reports that on average women have a 12% risk of developing breast cancer at some point in life.
  • Additionally, it is estimated that in 2017, there will be 252,710 new diagnoses of invasive breast cancer.
  • In Texas alone, an estimated 12,100 women are diagnosed with cancer every year.
  • On a positive note, there are over 3.1 million breast cancer survivors living in the US today.

So, what can you do to help the battle against breast cancer?

1. Protect yourself by conducting weekly self-checks

Advancements in treatments and technology as well as early detection screenings are credited with reducing deaths related to breast cancer. Take advantage of this by proactively checking your breasts for signs of cancer on a regular basis.

Every week, take the time to carefully feel your breasts in search of changes, lumps or abnormalities. Start by checking your breasts with your arms down. Then, take turns raising one arm overhead while using your free hand to feel the breast closest to the upraised arm. Once again, feel for lumps, swelling, or anything unusual.

Some common signs of breast cancer include:

  • Unusual shape, size, texture or color
  • Odd swelling or distortion
  • Bulging or dimpling of the skin
  • Inverted nipple
  • Nipple discharge
  • Redness, soreness, rash
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • No symptoms at all

Make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible If you feel something unusual. It is possible to display no obvious symptoms of breast cancer. That’s why it’s important for women under 40 to maintain annual check-ups, even if they do not get mammograms yet.

2. Undergo annual mammograms

Women between 40 and 44 should begin annual breast cancer screening, also known as mammograms. A mammogram is an x-ray of your breasts that allows doctors to detect abnormalities you may not feel or detect through the skin. If you are 55+ and have never been diagnosed with breast cancer, you can get a mammogram once every other year.

3. Donate to the Cause

Avenue Five has donated thousands of dollars and hours of community service, while creating innovative ways to raise money in the name of breast cancer. For instance, every year, our students design, create and donate Art Bras featured in the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Austin’s annual Art Bra Auction and Runway Show. Each bra tells a story, helps raise awareness, and is auctioned off so proceeds can help breast cancer patients, further research and spread awareness.

You don’t need extra money sitting around to donate to the cause.

You can make the same impact, if not greater, by donating your time and creativity. There are countless ways to get involved, You can use your talents to help real people fighting breast cancer in Austin. For instance, if you’re a hair stylist, you could donate free services to cancer patients or their families.

Do you practice massage therapy? You could offer 1-3 free massages per month to patients undergoing breast cancer treatment. Share your ideas with others to inspire more people to take the leap and use their skills and talents to help an important cause.

Learn more about our charitable partnerships!
