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Are You in the Beauty Industry? Here are Ideas for Your New Year’s Resolutions List!

Make up artist at avenue five applying eye shadow according to their lesson plan.

Every year, we all make a list of New Year’s resolutions. Some personal goals include living a healthier lifestyle, having a more positive attitude in life, socializing more, or even something as mundane as trying to save more money. These are all good personal goals, but what about when it comes to the professional goals that you are setting for yourself? Let’s say that you are a graduate of a beauty school in Austin, TX and you are about to start an entry-level job. What should be included in your list of New Year’s resolutions so that you can speed up the growth of your career? Find out in the next section.

New Year’s Resolutions Ideas for those in the Beauty Industry

Whether you’re a student of a beauty school near Austin, TX or if you’re already a professional in the industry, it won’t hurt to have an actual list of resolutions for the New Year. Think of it as a form of goal-setting for your professional career. Even if you are just starting out, having such a list will give your career path a clear direction. The items in your New Year’s resolutions list are short-term goals which would lead to career advancement. Even small, seemingly mundane things like trying to get along with your clients more will help you improve professionally.

Check out some of the items that you can include in your very own New Year’s resolutions list if you are a part of the beauty industry:

  • Try not to overexert yourself.

One of the biggest mistakes made by those who have been in the beauty industry for a long time is overexerting themselves. Let’s say that you would like to take advantage of the holiday influx, so you book one client after another. Although there’s nothing wrong in trying to make some extra money, you should respect what your body is telling you and still have ample rest. There’s no use earning all that extra moolah if you end up in the hospital due to overexertion. For the coming year, make it your New Year’s resolution to get sufficient rest, which does not necessarily mean that you will be working any less.

  • Never stop honing your craft.

The opposite of working too hard is slacking off, especially when it comes to the things that you can still learn. The beauty industry is exciting because there are always new developments and trends that you can look forward to trying on your clients. If you got an entry-level job at a salon, make it part of your New Year’s resolution list to hone your craft and become a master cutter, stylist, or colorist in the coming years.

  • Maintain a poker face even while clients are asking the impossible.

A brunette who wants to dye her hair platinum blonde in just two hours? Or a redhead wanting to have black-as-midnight locks in just one coloring session? There are some clients who would have requests that will be almost impossible for you to achieve in a day, much less a couple of hours. You would have your share of these difficult clients, so instead of letting it bug you, just laugh it off on the inside, maintain a poker face and explain to them that there’s a more reasonable time frame for what they want to happen to their hair or their face.

  • Reach out to your peers more.

Another thing you can add to your list of resolutions is to reach out to your peers more. Attend more industry events to extend your network of business contacts. You can broaden your professional relationship with them and maybe even make new friends.

You can also engage your clients through social media more; make a list of short-term and long-term plans for your beauty business or professional career; and have a more sharpened focus. Whether you’re a graduate of an Austin, Texas beauty school or if you’ve been in the industry for a long time, adding these items to your list of New Year’s resolutions will help improve your career.
